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This online class examines a variety of drawing and painting techniques used to render the human figure. Participants will study the form, function and dynamics of the figure while exploring the tools and characteristics of classic materials ranging from ink to oils. The class will feature the analysis of several artists and their works followed by demonstrations applying the complex principles of form and style represented by each masterwork.

• The first class looks at pen and ink gesture drawing followed by sculpturally rendered red chalk drawing emphasizing line and hatching.

• The second class features painterly mass drawing with chalks and pastels. 

• The third class moves into oil painting using a limited palette focusing on clear, organized rendering. 

• The fourth class will explore the expressive portrait in oils using a vigorous alla prima approach.

CLASSES will be on Fridays (four classes July 24, July 31, Aug 7, and Aug 14) from 2pm To 5pm US Eastern Standard Time, where all participants will have the opportunity to both observe and submit questions using the chat feature. There will be a limit of 20 critique students who can ask questions directly during the discussion and demonstration.

MODELS will appear primarily in the form of photo reference however there will be live in-studio models as well. The model reference images will be shown on screen (within Zoom’s rules) and participants will be directed to a website should they decide to purchase the same set for their own use

Single Sheets mid-tone gray Drawing Paper:  Any good quality drawing paper that you like–you will need about 3 sheets. Canson “Mi Tientes” (smooth side) or “ Ingres” works well, at least 18×24 or larger. For the first day Rob will be using handmade Twinrocker “Creme” or “Yale”, text weight, Antique Laid 22×30 paper
Newsprint pad, 18″ x 24”
Pitt pastel pencils # 190 or Conte
Sanguine Pencil Prismacolor Verithin Terra Cotta or Tuscan Red pencils (at least 3)
white Conte chalk or similar (one stick)
Generals charcoal sticks
Generals charcoal drawing pencils: soft, medium and hard
soft vine charcoal: a few pieces
watercolor: black, burnt umber, and burnt sienna
sable round-tip brushes: real or imitation, small (from #1 to #3) and medium (from #5 to #7)
2 Sakura Pigma Micron marker pens: sepia color, sizes 01 and 05
brown walnut ink (Winsor Newton “Nut Brown” or any walnut ink is good)
pen holder with #512 nib ( or similar) See
drawing board
kneaded eraser
masking tape
chamois cloth
pencil sharpener or razor blade

oil paints: ivory black, burnt umber, burnt sienna, cadmium yellow light, cadmium orange, cadmium red light, permanent rose, alizarin crimson, manganese violet, dioxazine violet (optional), ultramarine blue, cerulean blue, phthalocyanine blue(optional), viridian, phthalocyanine green (optional),  titanium white
brushes: hog bristle filbert shaped bristle brushes: #2, #4, #6, and #8 (Any brand of hog bristle is fine but Rob likes Silver Brush “Grand Prix” type). Filbert Series 1003 filbert shaped sable brushes: #2 and #4 (Rob likes both Silver “Renaissance” sable brushes or Escoda Brand sable brushes.)
palette knife
medium: Linseed oil (or medium of choice)
solvent such as Turpenoid or Gamsol. 
rags (or good paper towels)
canvases or panels: 4 or 5 canvases 16×20 or 18×24 toned mid-gray with acrylic paint to ensure they are dry for class. Centurian linen canvas is especially good for the price. You can tone them with white plus a little ivory black and a hint of burnt umber or use something like “Golden Heavy Bodied Neutral Gray N6” premixed acrylic. The canvas should look similar to this box:

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Class Invitations

Friday Classes

Join Zoom Meeting

Topic: The Expressive Human Figure Class InvitationTime: Jul 24, 2020 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)        Every week on Fri, until Aug 14, 2020, 4 occurrence(s)        Jul 24, 2020 02:00 PM        Jul 31, 2020 02:00 PM        Aug 7, 2020 02:00 PM        Aug 14, 2020 02:00 PM

Wednesday Critique

Join Zoom Meeting

Topic: The Expressive Human Figure Critique InvitationTime: Jul 29, 2020 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)        Every week on Wed, until Aug 19, 2020, 4 occurrence(s)        Jul 29, 2020 02:00 PM        Aug 5, 2020 02:00 PM        Aug 12, 2020 02:00 PM        Aug 19, 2020 02:00 PM


Demo Wash

Demo Red Chalk

Demo Red Chalk #2

Demo Oil: Limited Palette Single Light Source

Demo Oil: Full Palette-Multiple Light Sources

Model Images First Class: Avid has made available a set of images for artists wishing to continue work with the July 24th session’s long pose. The set will include 3 to 5 photographs matching the pose and lighting of the live session as closely as possible, but in high resolution and viewed from different angles. This adjunct material can be very helpful for continued practice and creative work based on the same pose used and discussed in class. The cost is $10 for the set.

The cost includes permission for the purchasing artist to use the images as source material for their creative work in non-photographic/non-video media, with no time constraint. The images may be copied and displayed within the purchasing artist’s own devices or accounts for that purpose. Artwork in other media derived from the photos may be displayed or shared at the artists’ discretion. The photographs may not be otherwise copied, shared, posted, or displayed in photographic form without specific written permission of the model.  The image set will be available for online download, normally a day or two after the live session.  Avid will provide a Dropbox download link upon payment (artists do not need a Dropbox account for this). He can accept payment via  Cash App ($AvidLight), Venmo (Avid-Light), or PayPal ( – or email him to inquire at

Avid’s usb Camera×720-1920×1080-SV-USBFHD01M-SFV(5-50)/dp/B07MZR3593

Model Images Second Class: The model image that was used for the female red chalk drawing above is primarily #23 from the Trisha223 from

Model Images Third Class Below is a sheet showing the available images of Ava in low res. The images are all available as hi-definition photos taken with a DSLR. If you would like a set of these 12 photos Gio will send a link which will provide access. The fee is $10 and you could either make a PayPal payment to or send a check to 2826 Chain Bridge Road, Vienna, VA 22181. If you prefer a check let me know and we will send the link when you request the image file.

Model Images Fourth Class (the last image on the sheet below is a video file). These are taken with an iPhone so the images are not quite as detailed as the images of Ava.

If you would like to use any of the photos or video please email me at and I will send a link to access the Google Model Photos page that Gio set up. You can then send a check for $10 to: Gomer Pyles PO Box 190 The Plains, Virginia 20198

Adam Lubkin’s Master Artist Photos

If you would like a set of Adams’s professional quality Hi-Res master artist photos please contact him at He has many image sets featuring closeups of all the drawings and paintings from the last two Sargent exhibits and the Michelangelo show at The Metropolitan Museum. Here is a dropbox link with a few examples

CLASS CRITIQUE July 29 (available for critique students)

CLASS CRITIQUE AUGUST 5 (available for critique students)

CLASS CRITIQUE AUGUST 12 (available for critique students)


CLASS RECORDINGS  Each of you were emailed a new personal password which will allow a single viewing of each video (even upcoming videos) anytime you like until August 21st




AUGUST 14 (Bonus footage at the end has no audio)


Please note that your uploaded drawing might not appear right away. If you have not submitted artworks/comments on my website before be aware that this discussion application requires your image to be sent to me for approval first and then it can be uploaded

146 thoughts on “The Expressive Figure with Rob Liberace”

  1. Hi Robb, I did these from life with Katherine Robb as the model.
    5 minute ink wash and 2 hours on the red chalk. I did not have any verithin (though I bought some now). I was just using prismacolor and I can see they dont hold a point nearly as well. I see how my hatchwork just became tonal as the pencils dulled. If you would prefer me to work from your model rather than another please let me know and I will do so in the future.

  2. Rob- my Prisma color pencil(which is round and friable) did not cooperate with my prepared paper. I could not erase it Or knock it down so my drawing of Avid came to naught. This drawing was done with Verithin pencil- Terra Cotta as well as Tuscan Red. The Tuscan red grabbed the paper but its a fool’s errand to have both colors! I will try the Round Prismacolor pencil- which has great feel- on unprepared paper.

  3. Hello Rob,
    I have to start over. The Verithin Pencil did not take to the paper as I would have liked. Probably won’t have time before tomorrow so I’m submitting this one.

  4. The smaller ink drawings are done in the class.
    Theses are my first time ink and wash. It is fun but I see that I need more practice.
    I did not receive Verithin in time so I used pastel pencil for the larger drawing. Since you cannot get very dark with pastel, what do you suggest to do for the darkest dark areas?
    P.s.: I need to know more how to use “Dropbox”. Can someone teach me thru zoom after class on this app?

  5. I did not receive Verithin in time so this was done by pastel pencil. How can I made the darkest dark with pastel?
    Can I post only one picture at a time?
    Also I need help with “Dropbox”. Can someone help me after class thru soon?

  6. Hiya Sir and fellow art-nerd! Did this fairly quickly on mi-tientes “sand” color paper with conte 617 pencil ( Sepia) and Generals “White Charcoal” some brushes and paper towel employed..

  7. I gave myself a special treat using twinrocker paper. Don’t know if that helps the actual drawing part, but it felt amazing! I am thinking the paper must contain additive. 🙂

  8. I didn’t have a photo reference so I copy one of Rob’s drawing to play around with the paper and the drawing materials.

  9. I used the verithin pencils without treating the paper. It was a challenge drawing enough lines to show up without turning into mush. Great exercise in using new materials, though.

  10. Could not get Avid photos so used Tom from Croquis Cafe,( similar body type) for the wash drawings and this verithin in shellacked paper.

  11. A compilation of drawings completed since class. Top right gestures were completed by watching the recorded session. Bottom right red chalk is not complete, but I’m hoping to acquire tips for a more dynamic completion. Bottom left charcoal were warmups. Left middle was completed during class + an additional hour or two. Top left was a mid week exercise.
    It felt good to work with the model, I haven’t worked with the figure in a decade. Thank you to Avid, an excellent physique.

  12. Found the paper coating process strangely theraputic: used one coat of raw sienna wash and one coat coffee before diluted shellac.
    Pitt Pastel #190 with Pipo’s Sanguine Drawing Chalk and dust, mostly applied with chamois. (Thank you to the artist last week who suggested the chamois technique!)

  13. “Ecstasy of St Teresa”
    Male is ethereal and insubstantial. Used Charcoal color oil paint. Female will be developed as realistic with right leg and arm fading away. Although it will be more completely finished, the intension at this point was an open grisaille to correct the drawing. Burnt Siena was invisible on black so used yellow ochre. Looks like a negative.

  14. the first is the one I could not load after our Friday class. no terminator! The second shows my touch up made during the critique class…I think it was a mistake…the first feels more vibrant and alive to me…

  15. I had to try again after seeing everyone’s work.
    Hardly ever I send this much time drawing one pose so it is a good exercise.

  16. Ended up using 2 different colors to darken the image but not have lines washed out. And I bought reading glasses.

  17. i got it: 1) do not try “to fix” water color. It is not forgiving like oil. 2) never never work without the model …

  18. Yesterday’s photo does not show the shadow side well.
    I have to check it again after uploaded.

  19. Rob- i drew this during class in the Spring. I used wet media pencils and threw in some water color & have not revisited the drawing. Def needs more form on his nose and elsewhere but juggling the wet and dry media was a challenge!

  20. Rob, could you please find a model with more contortion and foreshortening…this was not enough. Maybe we should get Joe’s wife, Maria Artim to model…have you seen her instagrams, MariaTravelingGypsy
    Marie Liberace

  21. Hi Rob:
    #190 Pitt Pastel & Pipo’s Sanguine Chalk on Gutenberg Laid Paper (a little toothy)
    Posespace: benp062
    Prior Dentist app’t so won’t be able to log on until 3:30PMish. I can be last …

  22. Ava during class great class Rob not for critique but I love working along with you. I learn so much. Big eyes maybe not this time

  23. I used a limited palette of terra rosa, ivory black, yellow ochre, and burnt umber. I loved exploring the green golds in this one.

  24. Well I may try to take a photo in better light later. This is pretty dark. 18X24. Ivory black, alizarin crimson, yellow ochre, cad yellow light, cad red, burnt sienna, burnt umber, raw umber, ultramarine Blue. I maybe will finish the robe and definitely the background. Wow Alison’s painting is really cool.

  25. So fun to try! I just think there is too much talent in the Liberace family! I used Rob’s same palette: Titanium White, Ivory Black, Cad Red Light, Cad Yellow, Burnt Sienna and Burnt Umber.. On artfix linen panel..

  26. Ava is a beautiful model and I would like the set of photos to download. I will put a check in the mail for her today. Thanks Rob and Ava!

  27. I changed her right cheek. It is hard to have the hair casting the shadow on her cheek. The last photo looks as is she has a skinny face.

  28. Grisaille, Haven, oil on panel, 20”x 16”. I rushed , realize neck is too narrow, view skewed with head turned but face frontal. Photo had head looking up & I straightened … arghhhhhh!

  29. Upper left: Started during Friday session #3, additional hours spent with reference photos. Used suggested limited palette of Ivory Black, White, Cad Yellow Light, Cad Red Light, Burnt Sienna. (Ava, you’re too beautiful to capture in paint.)
    Upper right: Verithin drawing of Avid completed after critique last Wednesday.
    Bottom: Mixed media of Trisha class pose. Wanted to see if I could capture the model’s pose better than first attempts.

  30. updated – adjusted many tiny things and worked more on the hand.. shapes.. etc..
    I used Rob’s same palette: Titanium White, Ivory Black, Cad Red Light, Cad Yellow, Burnt Sienna and Burnt Umber.. On artfix linen panel..

  31. Hi Rob!
    Still missing the last 10% of the lights and darks & the earrings, but out of time …
    Palette: Ivory Black, Tit White, Cad Red Lt, Cad Yellow Med, Burnt Sienna

    It really helped to be able to rewatch the video of Friday class before beginning painting.
    Enjoyed painting this – Thanks Ava!

  32. Hi — this is drawing along with Rob in class. Unfortunately, didn’t have time to do a painting…maybe next week…!

  33. I decided to do another yesterday because I enjoyed Ava’s poses so much. Same 4 colors as above. I am curious which one you think is stronger and why.

  34. Hi Rob,
    I wont’ be on the call today so will look forward to the video. I am definitely in Marie big eyes camp.


  35. DAvid, please throw liquin away! ( discard thoughtfully, I mean).. use gamsol or similar for the shadows and beginning. no liquin is needed and it’s so not good for you! linseed oil or one of the mediums rob used for adding body /texture to the paint ( Venitian Medium etc.,) – Kevin

  36. Gomer – 8×10 ( sorry rob) cheap chinese 99c canvas 😉 fairly full palette.. ( same or very close to Rob’s in-class palette for the demo.. Check to Mr Gomer is on the way! – Kevin

  37. Here’s the head…. decided to do the bigger composition for a challenge but still working on the rest a little more.

  38. 16”x24” , oil on panel, Second pass at Grisaille, I deviated from original plan which was monochrome & tried a bit of color- needs tons more work & corrections !!!!

  39. Gomer the Cowboy – Rob’s suggested full spectrum palette, mid toned grey linen.
    Had a lot of fun with this.
    Rob, I am posting this image and the painted sketch of Ava separately in hopes that they will stay higher resolution for in depth critique.

  40. Ava is such a beautiful model and I had to paint her again. ( limited palette but bid more stronger colors than the last one)

  41. After I watched Rob’s video late last night, I tried to do this Ala Prima today. I did spend several hours. This father is our brother in law. I tried to think cool sky light and warm side light.

  42. Last one Rob! I would really like to get the “goody” out of the critique if I can!
    This is a 30″x30″ painted sketched out. I wanted to get your advice on the human figure before I continue on. Wanting to capture an older/grandma type woman, she just feels stiff and maybe a little too ‘ugly’. Anyway, suggestions appreciated. Thank you in advance

  43. Livia. I will miss the critique on Wednesday. Looking forward to seeing the recording. Thanks Rob for these great art classes. I learn a lot and truly enjoy them!

  44. Here’s the full composition (18×24)— the other photo is better for critiquing the portrait, which I don’t think I have adjusted since. I spent half the time on the portrait and the other half on the rest. Please forgive the crummy canvas. I painted over an old class painting.

  45. I reworked Ava”s portrait, but it still doesn’t look like her. Sigh. I will select a different pose and try again. I am also sending a picture of as far as I got with the portrait of Gomer. I didn’t have ref. pics. so I have to work on getting them too.
    This class has been great.

  46. Hi Rob:
    Don’t think I’m ready to add more colors to palette. Reworked painting of Ava, to see if I could improve my rendering of flesh and improve lights.

    Palette: white, black, burnt sienna, cad yellow med, cad red light, 16″x20″

  47. Made corrections to the 2nd drawing to try to balance the Barque line and my anatomical drawing obsessions (this model used to have pronounced ribbons of light down his back …)

    Pitt Pastel #190, #192, Pipo’s Sanguine drawing chalk on Gutenberg Laid paper, 22″ x30″

    Thank you so very much. This class has been invaluable.

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